“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right”

- Mark Twain

Funnel Cake with Blueberry Sauce


Funnel Cake with Blueberry Sauce Recipe

These funnel cakes are best served piping hot-like most fried foods, they get soggy when they sit for too long. If blueberries aren’t in
seasons, try sprinkling them with confectioner’s Swerve or a drizzle of melted bittersweet chocolate.

2 cups wild blueberries (frozen okay)
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Zest of 1 lemon Juice of 1 lemon
½ teaspoon cinnamon
8 to 10 drops stevia

First make the blueberry sauce: In a small saucepan, combine all the ingredients, and cook over low heat until blueberries release their Juices, about5 minutes.

Transfer the blueberry sauce to a blender and pulse in a blender until semi-smooth. Set aside until needed.

Combine the tapioca flour, eggs, yacon syrup or Swerve, avocado oil, and pinch of salt in a bowl, stirring until smooth. Set aside.

Pour about l inch of avocado oil into a small saucepan. Heat over medium heat until oil shimmers (you want this oil to reach about 350°F). Spoon the batter into a sandwich bag or pastry bag. Once the oil is shimmering (hot enough to fry)’ cut the tip of the sandwich bag, if using.

Now quickJy drizzle the batter into the hot oil, overlap· ping to make that classic funnel cake squiggle.

Allow the underside to brown, around d1 minute, then. using a flat slotted spoon, flip. the funnel cake over to brown the other side.

Remove from the oil and place on a towel-lined plate.

Serve hot, drizzled with blueberry sauce.

Funnel Cake with Blueberry Sauce Recipe Ingredients

1 cup tapioca flour
2 pastured or omega-3 eggs or VeganEggs
2 tablespoon yacon syrup or 1 tablespoon Swerve ( erythritol)
2 tablespoon avocado oil
Pinch of iodized sea salt
Avocado oil for frying

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