“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right”

- Mark Twain
Category: Bernese Mountain Dogs

Berners at Play in Tahoe

Berners at Play in Tahoe – Tahoe Cross Country Center Tahoe Cross Country welcomes dogs to join their owners while they cross country ski. There are more than 8 kilometers of trails that can help tire your pup out. As


Bernese Mountain Dogs With Stuffed Animals

Bernese Mountain Dogs With Stuffed Animals Bernese Mountain Dogs With Stuffed Animals Bernese Mountain Dogs With Stuffed Animals Bernese Mountain Dogs With Stuffed Animals What To Consider When Buying Toys For Your Bernese Mountain Dog When going out into the


The Language of Bernese Mountain Dogs

The Language of Bernese Mountain Dogs – Of all the amazing attributes a dog has, the ability to communicate may be the most impressive. Dogs communicate with us all day long, and whether we know it or not, we’re talking


How Your Bernese Mountain Dog Communicate With You

How Your Bernese Mountain Dog Communicate With You – The difference is, while humans primarily use verbal communication, dogs mainly communicate non-verbally through the use of body language and secondarily through vocalizations. This body language includes tail carriage and motion,


Bernese Mountain Dogs in The Snow

Bernese Mountain Dogs in The Snow – How cold is too cold for your Bernese Mountain Dogs to be left outside? Dogs are individual and all of them aren’t created equal.  Their ability to tolerate really cold weather depends on


Set Your Puppy Up For Success

Set Your Puppy Up For Success – Overview Adding a pet to the household can be an exciting and rewarding experience for the entire family, although it can be an exhausting. And, worse case, you can create a life long


Milo The Berner

Milo The Berner was our first Bernese Mountain Dog and he came into our lives in the fall of 2002 via Sunshine Breeders in Redding. We really did not know too much about the breed other than they were big

Fenway-Lola-The Berners-Who-Me

Adding One More Bernese Mountain Dog

Consider carefully before Adding One More Bernese Mountain Dog to your household. If you’re thinking about adopting a new dog or adding another puppy from your breeder, there are a few key things to consider first, to ensure that you’re going


How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place

How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place – Tips For Surviving Quarantine With Your Bernese Mountain Dog Bernese Mountain Dogs (Berners) are the original working dog. This Alpine dog breed needs plenty of exercise and lots of quality hang time (as they


Bathing Bernese Mountain Dogs – Fenway & Lola

Bathing Bernese Mountain Dogs – What makes a Bernese Mountain Dog stunning is his attractive coat and gentle and calm personality. It’s recommended that Bernese Mountain Dog’s be groomed with two bath sessions. The first one is for general cleaning to remove