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- Mark Twain

How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place


How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place – Tips For Surviving Quarantine With Your Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dogs (Berners) are the original working dog. This Alpine dog breed needs plenty of exercise and lots of quality hang time (as they become deeply attached to their humans).

If you have a large yard, do not think that your dog is getting all the necessary exercise. The Bernese dog loves to play in the yard, but it is a social animal. It prefers to be around people and to be part of their activities and daily routine. If you leave it alone in the yard for the better part of the day, it’s likely that it’s not getting enough exercise.

To keep your Bernese mountain dog in good shape, it requires at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. But since the breed has a tendency for weight gain, experts recommend 60-90 minutes of exercise to keep your pet in top condition.

How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place – Tips for Exercising Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies

But what if we are about to raise a Berner puppy? Well, puppies are always little balls of energy, and Bernese puppies are no exception, especially since they mature slowly. If you don’t keep them occupied sufficiently, expect mischief and destruction.

It’s important to keep the puppies from playing and running on hard surfaces or jumping too high or too much. Moreover, don’t let your puppy pull carts or other heavy loads until it reaches two years. The Bernese puppies grow very fast in size, which makes them prone to bone injuries and disorders.

Also, start to train the puppy how to walk on a leash. Don’t forget that you should always lead the way, be the alpha. If your dog walks in front of you, this can cause future behavior problems.

You should take extra care to provide your dog with stimulating and engaging activities to keep it happy and healthy. Watch out your puppy when it’s small, it shouldn’t have access to stairs as this may result in an injury or any joint issues. Your four-legged friend should be big enough to take the stairs easily on their own.

Lola & Fenway the Berner release some energy as Shelter in Place has taken its toll on them

How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place – Tips For Surviving Quarantine With Your Berner

Know the location of your dog’s food and medication and make sure you have enough supply to last you the duration of your quarantine.
Since dogs can get restless if cooped up inside, have toys on-hand to keep your dog stimulated. You can make your own toys at home, or buy interactive toys online.
Know the location of your dog’s food and medication and make sure you have enough supply to last you the duration of your quarantine.
Keep your dog stimulated by keeping up a routine and continuing training. There are plenty of ways you can continue training for dog sports at home, including Agility, Rally, and Scent Work.
Dogs know when panic is in the air, so try to remain as calm as possible.

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