“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right”

- Mark Twain
Category: Bernese Mountain Dogs

Do Animals Think

Do Animals Think – For most of human history, people have beleived that animals think. Preindustrial cultures whose lives were intertwined with the animals in their environment almost universally regarded animals as thinking, feeling beings. It was an obvious, commonsense


All About Bernese Mountain Dog Behavior

All About Bernese Mountain Dog Behavior – Funny Bernese Mountain Dog videos keep us coming back to YouTube for more hilarious pups who brighten our days. All About Bernese Mountain Dog Behavior – As Bernese Mountain Dog lovers, we can’t


Bernese Mountain Dogs Are Snow Dogs

Bernese Mountain Dogs Are Snow Dogs – A farm dog with a thick, fluffy coat, this cold weather canine was bred to thrive in the bitter Swiss Alps, meaning they’re more than ready for the oncoming snows. Bernese Mountain Dogs


Bernese Mountain Dogs in Halloween Costumes

Bernese Mountain Dogs in Halloween Costumes – If you are getting dressed up for Halloween this year, why shouldn’t your Bernese Mountain Dog get into their Halloween costume, too? Berners in Halloween Costumes – Before selecting the perfect Halloween costume


Feeding Bernese Mountain Dogs

Feeding Bernese Mountain Dogs – A well balanced diet for your Bernese Mountain Dog provides quality nutrition and in turn keeps the cells, tissues and organs healthy. This enables a Berner’s immune system to stay in top condition to fight


Why Dogs Are a Necessity for Humans

Why Dogs Are a Necessity for Humans – America is home to about 90 million dogs who have the essentials of life: love, food, fun, sleep – Dogs know how to live. Today, reportedly 53 percent of households in the


Bernese Mountain Dogs & Dachshunds

Bernese Mountain Dogs & Dachshunds – similarities and differences between Dachshund vs Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernese Mountain Dogs & Dachshunds – Temperament, Grooming, Playfulness, Trainability, Intelligence Level, Barking, Sensitivity, Shedding Origins of the Dachshund – Germany Average Weight for the


Bernese Mountain Dogs Are Great Playmates

Bernese Mountain Dogs Are Great Playmates – If two dogs are wrestling and it seems too rough to you, with all that growling and snarling, body-slamming, and biting of each other’s necks, should you intervene? How can you tell if


Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Know Their Size

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Know Their Size – Some Berner puppies may look smaller or larger, taller or shorter, or have a slighter or bulkier build, or a longer or shorter coat compared to another Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. Your