“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right”

- Mark Twain
Category: Bernese Mountain Dogs
Fenway-Lola-The Berners-Who-Me

Adding One More Bernese Mountain Dog

Consider carefully before Adding One More Bernese Mountain Dog to your household. If you’re thinking about adopting a new dog or adding another puppy from your breeder, there are a few key things to consider first, to ensure that you’re going


How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place

How Berners Cope With Shelter in Place – Tips For Surviving Quarantine With Your Bernese Mountain Dog Bernese Mountain Dogs (Berners) are the original working dog. This Alpine dog breed needs plenty of exercise and lots of quality hang time (as they


Bathing Bernese Mountain Dogs – Fenway & Lola

Bathing Bernese Mountain Dogs – What makes a Bernese Mountain Dog stunning is his attractive coat and gentle and calm personality. It’s recommended that Bernese Mountain Dog’s be groomed with two bath sessions. The first one is for general cleaning to remove


Berners at The Beach

Fenway and Lola the Berner love to explore the beach with all its wonderful smells, the ocean and the sand.  I know that no amount of hollering their name, throwing the ball in the other direction or trying to bribe


Bernese Mountain Dog Videos

Dogs love to crawl into your lap for hugs, cuddles and kisses, and there’s no reason that should change if they happen to grow up to be bigger than you. These dogs don’t seem to know just how big they

Berner Puppy Growth Guide

Berner Puppy Growth Guide

The Swiss saying, “Three years a puppy, three years a good dog, three years an old dog and the rest is a gift”. BERNESE PUPPY GROWTH GUIDE, 8 – 10 WEEKS Typical Bernese pups may weigh anywhere from 12 –


Berners at Play

Berners at Play. Typically, Bernese Mountain Dogs are not interested in a game of fetch – throwing a ball, retrieving it and dropping the ball for the person that tosses the ball. Sometimes, Berners will run after the ball and


Berners in Convertibles

Dogs love a good car ride because it feeds into their sense of adventure and love of a good hunt. It mimics their instinctual roots of riding in a pack, which brings them comfort and even a type of euphoric high. Riding in the car allows a dog to