Watch Maxine on Amazon Prime

Watch Maxine on Amazon Prime – Examine the investigation of school assistant Maxine Carr and her caretaker fiancé Ian Huntley, who was later imprisoned for the double murder of schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, the tragic case that shocked the nation.

Watch Maxine on Amazon Prime Video
Based on a tragic case that shocked Britain, this true crime drama examines the investigation of school assistant Maxine Carr and her caretaker fiancé Ian Huntley.
Maxine on Prime Video is a three-part drama about the Soham murders 20 years ago, which feel merely utterly pointless.
It is ostensibly about the part Maxine Carr played in covering up the deaths of 10-year-old best friends Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells.
She was a teaching assistant in their class and the fiancee of Ian Huntley, a school caretaker, who lured them into his home when they were on their way to buy sweets and took both their lives.
Brian Farmer, the local journalist who is the first to become suspicious of Huntley.
The headteacher goes back over the file containing Huntley’s job application and realizes that the required background checks, which would have shown something of his history of physical and sexual violence towards women and underage girls, were never done.

Watch Episodes of Maxine on Amazon Prime Video
Episode 1 of Maxine on Amazon Prime Video
Maxine Carr moves to Soham for a fresh start with her boyfriend Ian Huntley.
On a weekend home to see her mother, Maxine parties the night away in her hometown of Grimsby.
Episode 2 of Maxine on Amazon Prime Video
Maxine is informed that Ian has been charged with the abduction and murder of the girls, while she is remanded in custody for conspiring to pervert the course of justice.
Episode 3 of Maxine on Amazon Prime Video
As the investigation intensifies, Maxine is drawn into the media frenzy as Ian helps out with the search.
Maxine organizes for herself and Ian to do a live television interview.
Maxine on Amazon Prime Video Trivia
Huntley’s red Ford Fiesta has a fake registration J112 YR5G which does not conform to any of the three formats that have been used in the UK: ABC 123D (1963-1984), A123 BCD (1984-2001) or AB12 CDE (2001-present).
This was probably done to avoid any possible similarity between his registration and a real-life one.
Maxine Carr was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison. She served half of her sentence and was released in May 2004.
Ian Huntley later claimed Maxine lied about her knowledge of the crimes. Something she denied.
Upon her release from prison, Maxine Carr was given a new identity after the High Court granted a Lifetime Anonymity Order.
Newspaper reports suggest she has since married and had a child.