Watch Ferry on Prime Video

Watch Ferry on Prime Video – Ferry is an Amsterdam gangster and the right-hand man of his boss Brink.
When a rival gang shoots Brink’s son, Ferry is sent to Brabant to avenge the murder, where meets the beautiful Danielle.

Storyline for Watch Ferry on Prime Video
Ruthless Ferry Bouman is sent to his native region of Brabant by his boss Brink to avenge an attack on their gang.
When he meets lovely Danielle and old family feuds resurface, Brabant starts to pierce his steel armor.

Episodes of Watch Ferry on Prime Video
Ferry Bouman (Frank Lammers) is trying to get his own small-scale Ecstasy business off the ground since he decided to stay in Brabant, Belgium to start a life with his girlfriend Danielle Van Marken (Elise Schaap).
He just bought a house with the money he made in the Amsterdam mob, but it seems that people aren’t buying what he’s selling, and he’s out of money.
His biggest deal is with a kickboxer named Jurgen Van Kamp (Kevin Janssens), who takes 1500 pills and pays Ferry in one euro coins.
Jurgen is thinking big, looking to see if Ferry can amp up production and put kangaroos on the pills.
But when Jurgen sees cops stopping at a fast food joint, he panics and runs, attracting the police officers’ attention.
Ferry runs, too, and bashes the cop chasing him with the bag of coins, losing them.
Ferry and Danielle are throwing a housewarming party; among the people there are Ferry’s crew, which includes Danielle’s brother Lars (Yannick van de Velde).
They want to get paid, but when Ferry finally lumbers into the party on foot (his car got impounded), he tells them he has no money.
During the party, he proposes to Danielle, and she accepts, but immediately throws up, due to what she thinks are intense emotions.
He ends up admitting to his brother-in-law John (Raymond Thiry), drunk and distraught over the somewhat recent death of his wife, that he’s out of money.
The next day, he learns that the busted Ecstasy ring, led by a man named Arie Tack (Steef Cuijpers), put kangaroos on their pills.
He quickly puts the pieces together, chases down Jurgen in Danielle’s car, and threatens to bash his teeth in with a playground carousel.
It seems that Tack supplied Pusaka, a massive biker gang, who sends them to Australia.
With that operation shut down for now, there’s a void to be filled.
Ferry tells Jurgen to get him in front of the Pusakas’ leader, but first he has to find the 30,000 pills he has stored next to the spare tire in his car.