Maryland-Style Grilled Shrimp and Corn Recipe

Maryland-Style Grilled Shrimp and Corn
You can grill shrimp in their shells to protect their delicate flesh, but this means that you have to remove the shells before eating them-usually a messy task. For easier access, peel the shrimp first and then crowded them onto skewers to prevent them from overcooking. Combine butter and seafood seasoning for a flavor-packed sauce. To complete the meal, microwave tender red potatoes and then toss everything in the butte sauce. Use small red potatoes measuring 1 to 2 inches in diameter. You wi need four 12-inch metal skewers for this recipe.
Halve potatoes, combine with 1 tablespoon water in bowl, and microwave covered, until potatoes are tender, 5 to 7 minutes; set aside and keep ware. Remove husks and silk from com and halve crosswise. Melt butter in skilled over medium heat. Whisk seafood seasoning into melted butter; set aside and keep warm.
Peel and devein shrimp, pat dry with paper towels, and toss with 1 tablespoon butter mixture. Thread shrimp onto four 12-inch metal skewers, alternating direction of heads and tails.
Open bottom vent completely. Light large chimney starter mounded with charcoal briquettes (7 quarts). When top coals are partially covered with ash, pour evenly over grill. Set cooking grate in place, cover, and open lid vent completely. Heat grill until hot, about 5 minutes.
Tum all burners on high, cover, and heat grill until hot, about 15 minutes. Leave all burners on high.
Clean and oil cooking grate. Place shrimp skewers and corn on grill. cook (covered if using gas), turning shrimp and com as needed, until lightly charred. and cooked through, about 6 minutes for shrimp and 8 minutes for corn transfer shrimp to platter and tent with aluminum foil to keep warm while cm::. finishes cooking. Toss shrimp, com, and potatoes with remaining butter mixture arrange on platter. Mince 2 tablespoons parsley, sprinkle over top, and serve.
How to Devein Shrimp
To devein shrimp, hold shrimp firmly in 1 hand, then use paring knife to cut down back side of shrimp, about 1/a to ¼ inch deep, to expose vein. Using tip of knife, gently remove vein. Wipe knife against paper towel to remove vein and discard.
Seafood Seasoning
Seafood seasoning should be a spice mix that’s an essential ingredient in many shrimp and crab recipes. Predominant spices may be celery salt. mustard, and paprika. In the supermarket, look in the spice aisle or near the seafood department or use Paul Prudhomme’s
1 pound small red potatoes
4 ears corn
8 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon Old Bay seasoning
½ pounds extra-large shrimp
(21 to 25 per pound)
Fresh parsley