Lamb Pitas with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Lamb Pitas with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce
Rather than use bread crumbs to help bind the lamb patties, process the pita tops – the pieces that will be cut off with some of the marinated feta, then, add the mixture to the ground lamb. The patties will turn out moist and flavorful, thanks to the cheese and the herbs in the marinade. The marinade also serves as the cooking oil. To top things off, whip up a simple roasted red pepper and feta sauce, and for crunch add sliced cucumber and romaine lettuce. You can substitute 85 percent lean ground beef for the lamb, if desired.
Rinse red peppers and pat them dry with paper towels. Process red peppers with ¼ cup feta in food processor until completely smooth, about 20 seconds. Season with salt and pepper to taste; transfer to bowl.
Cut top 2 inches from each pita bread, reserving 2 scraps. Process reserved pita scraps, 2 tablespoons water, ¼ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon pepper, and remaining 2 tablespoons feta in now-empty food processor until mixture is completely smooth, about 15 seconds; transfer to large bowl.
Add lamb to bowl and mix with your hands until combined. Evenly divide mixture into 12 pieces. Roll pieces into balls, then press balls into ½-inch-thick patties.
Heat feta marinade in 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until just smoking. Add patties and cook until well browned on 1 side, about 4 minutes. Flip patties, reduce heat to medium, and cook until well browned on second side and cooked through, about 5 minutes; transfer to paper towel-lined plate.
Shred romaine and thinly slice cucumber. Stack pitas on plate; microwave, covered, until warm, about 30 seconds. Nestle lettuce, cucumber, and patties inside pitas, drizzle with red pepper sauce, and serve.
Cut off the Pita tops by using a sharp chef’s knife, cut top 2 inches off each pita and reserve 2 trimmed pieces to use as binder in lamb patties.
1/4 cup jarred roasted red peppers
1/4 cup (1 ounce) plus 2 tablespoons
crumbled marinated feta, plus 1 tablespoon marinade
4 (8-inch) pita breads
1 pound ground lamb
1 (6-ounce) romaine lettuce heart
1 small cucumber
Marinated feta combines several ingredients-feta, olive oil, herbs, spices, and peppercorns-in one. This comes in handy when there is a need
for tangy bites of cheese and a flavorful fat (the) marinade) for cooking. You can find marinated fta at your local supermarket olive bars or packed in jars near the olives.